
Mon, 04/19/2021

Filmmakers Roundtable

remembers sitting through a two-day session on foleying — another term for re-recording or recreating audio during a film’s post-production process — during one of her first film and media studies classes at KU. At the time, she deemed it unnecessary information. ...

Tue, 03/30/2021

Lourdes Kalusha-Aguirre wants to inspire political engagement through film

knew from a young age that she wanted to make movies. With her Film & Media Studies major and Journalism minor, the KU senior has been able to build a network of talented actors, writers, editors and cinematographers to live out her dreams. Now, several of the films she’s created...

Wed, 03/24/2021

Quick Q with a Creative: Erika Lobati

Wed, 02/10/2021

Mental Media with Erika Lobati

have all learned (possibly painfully) over the course of the ongoing pandemic, social isolation can have strong effects on every one of us. ...