KU study will help define broadband priorities in Kansas

Carolyn Caine | KU News

Access to education, health care, public safety and government services increasingly depends on access to affordable, high-speed internet service. It provides small-business owners with access to resources and markets around the world, allows students the opportunity to participate in remote education and connects patients in medically underserved areas to critical health services. The COVID-19 pandemic further underscored the importance of that internet access.

Available data from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) suggest that Kansas residents, especially in rural communities, lack access to stable, high-speed internet service at home. At the same time, current FCC regulations on broadband measurement and reporting limit the quality of data about internet access in the state of Kansas and the United States more generally. Now, through a University of Kansas-led project, Kansas residents can contribute to research on current internet and broadband infrastructure by completing a survey about their internet service.